This stick is going to change your love life. Remember the days when you and your boo first met? He used to power drill through your cookie every time he laid eyes on you. These days you're not even sure he still sees you. Now that he's dug out your tight punani and probably put a baby or two inside it, he has the audacity to curl up beside you and go straight to bed at night. Mother fuhqer! Don't worry, after you buy a fuhqe stick & your newer, tighter & vajayjay is sure to keep him up.
Borneol, madura, pearl powder, honeysuckle, alum
How to use
1. Rinse your fuhqe stick under hot or warm water for up to 30 seconds.
2. Slowly insert into your nookie using a twisting motion for up to 1 minute (do not exceed 1 minute or you will get too tight). Push it as far in as far possible and be gentle.
3. Rinse your fuhqe stick and & allow it to dry completely then place it back into the box.
4. Fuhqe
What to expect
You may notice a white tissue like discharge the day after using your fuhqe stick. This is not yeast. It is dead tissue from the vaginal walls. It may remind you of the film that you get in your mouth after using mouthwash. This process of shedding may continue for 1-2 days after using the fuhqe stick and is completely safe and normal.
What you receive
1x Fuhqe Stick Instructions on how to use Discrete shipping
Q: What is the white stuff I see after using my fuhqe stick?
A: The fuhqe stick acts as an astringent when tightening your vaginal walls. Similar to when using mouthwash, there is a white film (dead tissue) that you may see days after using the stick. This is not a yeast infection. It does not itch, smell or burn in the way yeast does. This dead tissue will expel itself from the vagina in a day or two and is completely safe and normal. This shedding does not happen every time. (see picture below)
Q: Will this dry me out?
A: The fuhqe stick does not interfere with your ability to make secretions. The glands responsible for producing vaginal secretions will continue to function normally when using the fuhqe stick. For women that already have issue with vaginal dryness, the stick may cause you to feel dry. We recommend using with lubricunt or poosy pop'in to resolve this.
Q: My boo noticed a difference in taste after I used the stick, why is that?
A: The herbs used to make a fuhqe stick taste... Herbal. We recommend using the stick for no more than 60 seconds at a time and using possy pop'in 4-6 hours before using the fuhqe stick. This will help to lessen the herbal taste that is sometimes noticeable after using the stick by itself. Washing with shampoosy right after using the stick also makes the taste less pronounced.
Q: Will this give me a yeast infection?
A: Yeast infections are caused when the bacterial balance of your vagina is disrupted. The fuhqe stick is designed to maintain the ph levels in your vagina and is not expected to directly interfere with this delicate balance. In an effort to be perfectly transparent, we have had a few customers that have reported that they had a yeast infection after using the stick. We do advise that in the event of a yeast infection you use 1 poosy pop'in capsule to rebalance the vaginal flora.
Q: What does the detoxed tissue look like?
Q: My fuhqe stick broke in half, what should I do?
A: The stick is dried herbs rolled into a log shape so it is quite possible that you may receive a broken stick or that it will break during use. If it breaks while inside you, do not panic. Push it out slowly while inserting a finger inside to help you remove it. If your stick arrives broken just use half now and half later. The stick will dissolve a little bit every time you use it so having two halves actually makes for better usage.
Q: My boo doesn't like how tight I am after using the stick, what should I do?
A: Steam with secrete sauce before using the stick to help to promote lubrication. This will allow for less friction when fuhqe-n.